Friday, May 21, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh my god....

I was looking up a magazine and the person who did it and saw that I had been published in it... nearly ten years ago! Wild. I knew I had been accepted to it but never knew it had actually come out, and tonight I saw it.

Personal Reality Essays: Sidereal Birds: Trans-Species Communication and What Lies Beneath by Joey Gaen;
Joey Gaen! That's me! At that time I was changing my name to 'Gaen' - my middle name is 'Gayne'.

Anyway, wow. CPAOD was a huge influence and inspiration to me as a young teen and forward. I'm sure it's there at the cracks of my personality now. And I've always loved Jasmine Sailing. I was happy to see she's starting CPAOD again but just floored that my essay had gotten through way back then and I'd never known.

For years I'd hoped it had. Like, I would want to tell people that it had. Jasmine had accepted it but I'd never seen the magazine with it in it. As she has said her schedule is erratic. And at that time it was moreso, er, that it had been.

So, yeah.

see here

Friday, May 14, 2010

slender girl on couch

"She's slender
Oh, she's cream
She's face
I took her from place to place
I moved her from room to room
I exploited her
Became the groom
So I write music for soundtracks now
I write music for soundtracks now
(That's what I wanted to do anyhow)"
- lyrics from "Ex -Supermodel" by GBV


photo by Robin Scagell via UK Glow worm survey